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Dorset Cricket Cuttings


The noble and manly game of cricket is becoming very popular in Dorset. Many gentlemen encourage the clubs which are already formed and many excellent matches have lately been played in the county. We understand a match between Blandford and Stour clubs for twenty two guineas and dinner will be played for in Shroton Fair Field on Thursday 15th when much good play is expected. The match terminated in favour of the Blandford team. A better contest at cricket was never witnessed in Dorset and a numerous and respectable company was assembled on the occasion. (Salisbury & Winchester Journal – 12th & 19th August 1822)

Our town of Blandford has been very gay during the week. A new cricket club has been lately formed consisting of upwards of 60 of the principal gentry of the county. A capital piece of ground on the racecourse has, at considerable expense, been levelled and new laid with turf and next season will make a first rate cricket ground. On Tuesday last was the first meeting when a large party assembled and several members showed that they were well skilled in that manly game. After some good play an excellent cold dinner was provided at the ground under a marquee of which more than 80 of the beau monde of the neighbourhood partook and which the party was enlivened with some good songs. (Sherborne Mercury 26th August 1833)

Spetisbury – A cricket club has been formed in this village which we have every reason to believe will show some good play this season. Mr Lanning is the Secretary. A match is to come off shortly with the Shroton and Iwerne Club. (Salisbury & Winchester Journal – 9th July 1864)

Sturminster Marshall – A cricket match was played in a field attached to the Rectory between the Sturminster Marshall and Shroton Institution Cricket Clubs. The former gentlemen were sent to the wicket first and retired for 8 runs only; the latter followed and scored 74. But in the second innings quite a turn in the game took place Sturminster Marshall gentlemen running up a score of 209 while Shroton gentlemen went out for 47 and lost the game by nearly 100. A few of the resident’s gentry watched the day’s play and appeared much interested in the noble game. (Dorset County Chronicle – 1st September 1864

Winterborne Stickland – A meeting was held on Wednesday at the school relative to the formation of a cricket club for this village and the neighbourhood. The subscription to be five shillings (25p) per annum payable by monthly subscriptions , or all at once. Of the poorer classes a smaller subscription will be accepted at the discretion of the Treasurer. (Western Gazette – 19th January 1866)

Durweston – A well-contested game was played here on Thursday last between Durweston and the Iwerne club which resulted in the latter being the victors by 12 runs. The former have played many matches but this is their first defeat. They appeared well satisfied with the result not wishing always to retain the laurels – but one thing we think is most desirable, that impartial and efficient umpires should be chosen on both sides. (Dorset County Chronicle – 1st August 1867)

Pimperne – The return match between Chettle and Pimperne was played here last Saturday and terminated in a victory for the latter who won by one run and one innings. This result was mainly due to the really fine batting of Mr H Traill and the bowling of Messrs G & W Browne. (Dorset County Chronicle 22nd August 1867)

Stourpaine – The Blandford Academy Cricket Club consisting of Mr Vine and nine of his pupils and Mr Ingram of Nutford have challenged eleven of the pupils of Stourpaine House School to a friendly game of cricket, ten of the latter with Mr G Barnett of Blandford. The challenge was accepted and a match was played on Friday last. The weather was fine and there was a good attendance. (Western Gazette – 18th June 1869)

Sturminster Marshall – A cricket match was played here a few days ago between Sturminster and Henbury. Darkness put a stop to the play and when the wickets were drawn Sturminster had four runs to get with four men to go in. (Bridport News and Dorsetshire, Devonshire & Somersetshire Advertiser – 29th September 1866)

Tarrant Gunville – A match was played here between Tarrant Gunville and Langton Cricket Clubs. The game was won by Gunville – first innings 50 & second innings 65; Langton 69 & 41. (Western Gazette 3rd September 1880)

Tarrant Hinton – An interesting match took place here on 24th August between the married and unmarried men of Tarrant Hinton Cricket Club and resulted in a victory for the former. (Western Gazette – 1 September 1893)

Tarrant Monkton – On the 15th a cricket match was played on Monkton Down between Tarrant Monkton and Gussage resulting in a win for the former. The Monkton Band played selections during the progress of the game and in the evening there was dancing which was participated in by a goodly number. (Western Gazette – 26th April 1895)



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